
Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Aspiration + Inspiration = Motivation

Today Mr. Andrew Patterson visited us.He taught us what A+I=M means. It means Aspiration+Inspiration=Motivation. Aspiration is like a big goal or something you really want to be or have. It is your goal for when you get older and you want to try achieve it. Inspiration is when you don’t think you can do something but then someone inspires you that you can do it. Someone can inspire you to do better or to be like someone else like your role model. Motivation is the things that makes you want to do things. It's if you like things things like rugby then you train. Rugby is what will motivate you to train and stuff that relate to what it takes to do whatever you want.

Be a giver
Mr. Patterson told us of a story on NZ herald and it had a year 7 boy that gave a homeless man his lunch money for 2 weeks straight and then that made that man have a home.The boy got a gold reward from the school and Mr. Patterson gave him a trip to wellington.


Means getting up when you're down. When nothing goods happening to you and it's a problem then you just keep going.


  1. hi my name is laura i like work you did a good jod

  2. Hi Marshal

    I really like your blog but maybe you should re read your blog before publishing but
    keep up the hard work
